Calzones and Stromboli

Ingredients: 1¾ cups (326g) Gluvana Complete™ Gluten-Free Pizza Base 2/3 cup (160 mL) milk 1/8 cup (30 mL) oil 1 large (57g) egg Directions: Bake at 450°F. Add all ingredients in the mixer and knead until mixture leaves the sides of the bowl. Turn out dough onto a surface lightly floured with Gluvana Complete™ Gluten-Free […]

Gluten-Free Carrot Cake

Ingredients: 3 cups (510.3g) Gluvana Complete™ Gluten-Free All Purpose Base 6 cups (850.5g) grated carrots 1 cup (226.8g) brown sugar 1 cup (226.8g) raisins 4 large (226.8g) eggs ½ cup (113.4g) white sugar (if desired) 1 cup (226.8g) oil 2 tsp. (10 ml) vanilla extract 1 cup (226.8g) crushed pineapple with juice 4 tsp. (56.7g) […]